Deploying an SSAS Database via Powershell

This is a repost from my older blog, written in May 2009.  It garnered a fair amount of interest (relatively), so I’m keeping it alive here to help as many people as possible.

I’m trying to automate the deployment of a SSAS deployment so it can be handed off easily to another team. Using a combination of XMLA and Powershell scripts, I got it to work. This is with SQL Server 2008 and may not work with other versions.

Here are the steps:

Generate the XMLA script to deploy the database

  1. Build your SSAS project
  2. Open the Analysis Services Deployment Wizard. You can find this in the Start Menu -> Microsoft SQL Server 2008 -> Analysis Services
  3. Select the *.asdatabase file in the \bin folder of your SSAS project
  4. Click through the wizard until it prompts to Create deployment script. Check this option and select a path to save the script to
  5. This will generate a *.xmla file. You can test it by opening it in SSMS and executing it, and it should deploy the SSAS database successfully.

Write a Powershell Script

My script looks a little something like this:

$cwd = get-location
$query = Get-Content $args[1]

[Microsoft.AnalysisServices.xmla.xmlaclient]$xmlac = new-object Microsoft.AnalysisServices.Xmla.XmlaClient
Write-Host ("Connected to " + $args[0])

$xmlResult = ""
$properties = new-object "System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary``2[[System.String, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089],[System.String, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089]]"
$xmlac.Send($query, $properties)

Write-Output $xmlResult

It takes two arguments: the server to connect to, and the XMLA script to execute. It runs the script on the server and writes the result back to the shell.

Deploying an SSAS Database via Powershell

One thought on “Deploying an SSAS Database via Powershell

  1. Rico Lee says:

    A very useful tutorial you have here. However, I would like to know if there is a way to capture the output/reply after executing the XMLA, that begins with “<return xmlns" into a variable?

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